Product roadmap

A Knowledge Metaverse
Witness and re-discover human knowledge.
What can we learn if we were there?

B.C. 212
Archimedes' Eureka
Measure and calculate with Archimedes. Can you defeat the Roman ships with sunlight and trigonometry in Syracuse?

A.D. 1320
Dante's Inferno
Travel with Dante Alighieri to Inferno. "Midway upon the journey of our life. I found myself within a forest dark, For the straightforward pathway had been lost."

A.D. 1589
Shakespeare’s Plays
Step into the famous plays of William Shakespeare. Starting from A Midsummer Night's Dream. Are you the Wall, Lion, or Moonshine?

A.D. 1590
Galileo's Tower
Does the heavier ball drop to the ground first? Join Galileo Galilei for a series of experiments for studying how objects move.

A.D. 1686
Newton's Sky
How do we describe nature using the language of math? Work with Issac Newton to discover how nature works.

A.D. 1776
Galvani's Frogs
Study animal electricity with Luigi Galvani. What makes the frog leg twitch? Can animals generate electricity? What is electricity?

A.D. 1782
Mozart's Notes
Play and assemble musical notes from Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Let music enter everyone's life. What is your favorite piece of music from Mozart?

A.D. 1800
Volta's Batteries
Build batteries based on chemical reactions with Alessandro Volta. Why different types of metals may cause chemical reactions to generate electricity? How can we store electricity?

A.D. 1807
Davy's Elements
Discover elements by electrolysis with Humphry Davy. Can we use electricity to discover new elements? What much electricity can we generate from batteries? What was the greatest discovery by Sir Davy?

A.D. 1816
Shelley's Creation
Science Fiction
Travel back to the origin of the first science fiction - Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus. Create a ghost story with Mary Shelley, Percy Shelley, and Lord Byron. "We will each write a ghost story" - said Lord Byron. What will you create?

A.D. 1843
Ada's Engines
Computer Science
Start to program by cranking gears and learning how the Difference Engines works with Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage.

A.D. 1856
Faraday's Magnets
Explore electromagnetism with Michael Faraday and James Clerk Maxwell. What are the invisible forces?

A.D. 1864
Maxwell's Equations
Visualize math and physics with four physicists: Michael Faraday, Carl Friedrich Gauss, André-Marie Ampère, and James Clerk Maxwell.

A.D. 1886
Carroll's Riddles
Symbolic Logic
Play and learn "The Game of Logic" in the Wonderland with Alice, White Rabbit, and Lewis Carroll. Remember, only logical attempts count.

A.D. 1889
Tesla's Coils
Explore electromagnetism with Nikola Tesla. What questions would you ask him? How close can you stand next to a Tesla Coil?

A.D. 1897
JJ's Electrons
Discover electrons with JJ Thomson in the Old Cavendish Laboratory. What are those negatively charged particles from different metals?

A.D. 1911
Curie's Radiance
Discover radioactivity with Pierre Curie and Marie Curie. The Curie family received four Nobel Prizes in total. Would you like to be their assistant?

A.D. 1949
Feynman's Diagrams
Explore particle physics with Richard Feynman. Do you know positrons are electrons traveling backward in time? Join us to play with particle physics.

A.D. 1969
Apollo's Landing
Re-visit human steps during the first Moon landing. What would you do if you were there? Do you know how to operate a lander?

A.D. 1988
Hawking's Time
The idea of time has been evolving. What was the beginning of the time? What is a black hole? Is a black hole a spherical object?

A.D. 2020
Virus Replication
What is coronavirus? How does coronavirus replicate? How do we prevent the Covid-19? This VR experience is built for educational purposes based on the CDC’s information.

A.D. 2051
Earth's Climate
Earth Science
The climate system is a complex, interactive system consisting of the atmosphere, land surface, snow and ice, oceans and other bodies of water, and living things. Using VR and AR technologies enables us to interact and visualize these abstract science concepts.